How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
For years I assumed I would find my adult self dancing in a primarily classical ballet company. In hindsight, I think I even had the ability to do so. My decision to attend college was exceptionally difficult for me as a high school graduate who was so deeply entrenched in the traditions of classical ballet (by traditions I mean you can’t really go to college first and dance classically later). I’m thankful I made the decision to attend a university, because I discovered something new in myself along the way. I became interested in forms of dancing which are the antithesis of classical ballet. My entire outlook on what dance is and what it means to me was changed. I no longer feel intensely passionate about classical work. So here I am dancing professionally, and that was what I always wanted. But what I wanted that career to entail has become quite different.
How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as kind, creative, and honest.
Did you have a nickname? How’d you get it?
My grandfather was a 6’2” 120 lb sarcastic goob. He always called me Sore Toes after all the hours I spent in pointe shoes.
How would you describe a perfect day?
65 degrees and sunny. I have sunglasses and overalls on and either a gin and tonic or an ice cream cone in my right hand. I’m probably plopped in the grass somewhere with my bike next to me and Stan Getz swirling in the background.
When have you felt most alone?
The first thing that comes to mind is the day I boarded my flight to Copenhagen for the summer at the age of 16. I was headed out to a 6 week program at the Royal Danish Ballet School and the foreign country greeted my terrified teenage self with a record-breaking rainstorm to drag my suitcases through. By the time I found my empty little apartment I was sobbing, scared and already wanting to go back home. However, the next 6 weeks of incredible training and special, lifetime international friends certainly made up for that day.
Who were your parents? What were they like?
My parents (Michael and Marijane Moore of Rockwall, Texas) are kind, generous and incredibly warm. My mom is the world’s #1 Hostess with the Mostess and myfather is the hard-working King of Dad Jokes. Their honesty and resilience, as well as their dedication and love for one another has set an incredible example for my siblings and I our entire lives.
What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of my ability to be wholly available to people. I think of myself as a really honest and generous person. I don’t hold back and I am unafraid to say what I think. Sometimes that turns out badly, but there are twosides to any coin, and I’d rather hurt someone’s feelings than lie to them.
What did you look like?
I was probably quite a dirty little tomboy, but in most photos my mother has me looking quite put-together. Here’s a photo of me eating pizza with my legs spread eagle. This is a pretty accurate depiction of who I am today as well.
Rebecca Grace Moore
Was there a teacher or teachers who had a particularly strong influence on your life? Tell me about them.
Tanju and Patricia Tuzer (Tuzer Ballet, Richardson, Texas) truly shaped me into the dancer and person that I am. Passion for dance and artistry runs through their veins. They saw something special in me at a young age and really nurtured it, teaching me good taste and self-assurance. I don’t think I would have pursued dance at all if it weren’t for them. They helped me fall in love with moving. Even at the age of 22, as an almost strictly contemporary dancer, I perform as Marie (aka Clara) in the Tuzer Ballet Nutcracker every year.
If you could do anything now, what would you do? Why?
I would change nothing about my life right now. I’m young, I’m terribly broke, and I’m learning so much. I’ve got a great little apartment and two jobs that fulfill me. There’s just enough money in my bank account to go out with my friends, and I get to dance almost every single day. I'm really happy and lucky, and I know that the future is going to be great, but I'm certainly not trying to rush anything.